All About Dairy

Being a dairy farmer


Being a dairy farmer is moovellous!

A dairy farmer looks after farm animals, works outdoors, is part of a team and uses farm machinery and technology.

Being a dairy farmer can keep you fit, provide good challenges and is a great opportunity to learn lots of different skills that can also be used in everyday life.

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Did moo know:

  • Over 47,000 people have jobs in the dairy sector.
  • About 33,000 of these people are on a farm.
  • Farmers make enough milk to feed 165 million people - that's 35 times more than all of the people in Moo Zealand!
  • There are lots of different jobs on a farm too - check my 'Hats on Farms' moovie out!

Farmers also play a key role in rural communities and contribute to the regional economy. Some businesses in the community rely on farmers to operate:

  • Vets: to look after the cows.
  • Mechanics: to service the farm equipment.
  • Accountants: to help look after the money in the farm business.
  • Cafes: farmers make the milk that they use to make yummy drinks.

Farmers have even been getting on board with helping kids learn about dairy through Rosie's Education programme

  • 125 schools visited a dairy farm in 2017.
  • 8796 children (plus parents and teachers) visited a farm.
  • 76 farmers volunteered to host schools on their farm.

Farmers know so many things about so many things - they do mooch more than just milk cows!

Find out for yourself by watching my moovie Hats on Farms...